Hypothesis testing is done by analyzing Partial Least Square – Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) with SmartPLS software. Therefore, this study was made with the aim of examining the relationship between flash sale countdown timer, live streaming e-commerce on the formation of impulsive buying which is strengthened or weakened by the presence of in-home shopping tendency. Thus, being able to bring changes to consumer habits, they prefer to shop from home because it is easy, practical, and there are many attractive promos. MSME actors who enter the world of e-commerce also interact with potential buyers by holding live streaming with the aim of utilizing technological developments to reach consumers more broadly. Social media activities and flash sales promotions were able to boost sales figures after the product launch. Various strategies can be used in e-commerce, one of which is the flash sale countdown timer program.

However, this competition can help the sustainability of MSMEs in formulating strategies and switching to selling their products online. Additionally, governments should consider that economic issues or environmental concerns of citizens act as drivers of innovation in urban mobility.Įlectronic commerce that continues to grow has created a fairly tight competition between business actors. Therefore, cities and companies that have put their emphasis exclusively on improving mobility products and services, without taking citizens into account, are less likely to succeed. The most relevant results of this study indicate that the user’s perceived impacts on sustainability and customer forces influence the adoption of a mode of transport by citizens, whereas the product forces seem not to influence thTABLEis. Our exploratory approach is an innovative point of view that can help us to better understand the reasons for the successful adoption of sustainable mobility modes of transport. An empirical study was carried out in the city of Seville through an electronic questionnaire delivered to university students. Given this reality, this paper explores the elements and factors that condition the adoption of a sustainable mobility mode of transport. Of the 2030 Agenda, the scientific articles on sustainable mobility systems and the advance of micro-mobility, shared mobility, Mobility on Demand (MOD) or Mobility as a Service (MaaS) in recent years manifest the importance of sustainable urban development. This research arises from the need to accelerate the diffusion of sustainable mobility and the call for research on this topic.