The unwrapping algorithm doesn’t always work automatically.In some cases it is necessary to turn hidden geometry view on ( View > Hidden Geometry) before you select any faces.Often, however (as in the case of a sphere), this tool will basically “peel” the surface, which may or may not be a useful result. This means that if your object has double-curvature (as may be the case for a shell like the one shown in the first image in this post), then this tool can fail because it may be impossible to find a result. For some tips and tricks, read my article Unwrapping and unfolding correctly in SketchUp.You can also find this tool in the “Tools” menu (which is where you can access its settings). See the screenshots and video below for examples. The original geometry is preserved in this process and all resulting geometry is grouped, which makes manipulation easier. If you select “Smash (project)”, then those faces will be smashed by projection onto the chosen plane (with distortions, of course). This happens without distortions becasue individual faces are folded to the same plane. If you select “Unwrap and Flatten”, then all selected faces will be unwrapped (unfolded/unrolled) and laid on the plane chosen in the settings. Select one or more connected and ungrouped faces in your model and right-click on them to get the “Unwrap and Flatten Faces” context menu. This extension is useful for e.g. producing fabric or sheet-metal templates, laser-cutting templates, as CNC-prep, for texturing, etc. Projects a set of faces to one of the three main planes by smashing all faces flat.in combination with a manual unfold tool or to make sure faces are perfectly horizontal. Lays any arbitrarily-oriented face or collection of coplanar faces flat on the ground (without distortion).This is done without creating any distortions. Unwraps non-coplanar faces (any shape objects, shells etc.) using an automatic (randomized) algorithm and then lays the resulting set of faces flat on the ground.This extension allows the user to do three things: Unwraps shapes and places their faces flat on the ground Flattening a shell in segments Description